Fri 16 Nov 2012
Cow Bombs
Posted by anaglyph under Competition!, Cow Matters
[78] Comments
OK, thanks to Atlas, a COMPETITION! Cows photobombing famous events.
Rules: Make me laugh.
There will be a prize.
Fri 16 Nov 2012
Posted by anaglyph under Competition!, Cow Matters
[78] Comments
OK, thanks to Atlas, a COMPETITION! Cows photobombing famous events.
Rules: Make me laugh.
There will be a prize.
YAY!! A prize. OK, major work avoidance opportunity. YAY.
I second that Yay
The best
I’m surprised that cow’s not flashing a bit of udder.
For the really nerdy photographers who will get this:
Hahahaha! Excellent.
Something special for JediMacFan:
That cow gets around!
Nice contrast matching btw.
Moon Pie:
Choked on my coffee!!! The best!!
Party cow!
oh fuck it…

yay! thx Peter.
ummm…yay! thx Anaglyph…
One Mooooooore Thing:
Oh dear.
Oooooooooh Billy!
Billy’s a troublemaker.
Hahahahaha, btw.
Adolf’s favourite pet.
This is my favourite so far.
This one still makes me laugh.
Also, it is fitting that it’s comment 23.
Hahaha I didn’t even notice that!
Most people don’t know that there was a third tablet and fifteen commandments, but Moses left that one on the mountain.
Methinks Sir Atlas is taking the piss.
Fadhiliah, Iraq, 2008[img][/img]
This one is so great. It looks real enough to be featured in TIME magazine or something. Great stuff, B.
this is a real photo.
Really? A real cow photobomb? Awesome.
OK, that one’s the winner so far. That made me guffaw loudest of all. But I’m liking the creativity from all concerned here, so I’m gonna leave this running for one more day. Buccanears, Queen Willy – you going to let Atlas take the trophy again….?
Awesome. Dips me lid.
Trying to get across the line here…[img][/img]
Hahahahaha. Nice work!
This is still very funny.
Oh, VERY good. That one’s winning now.
I think the cow’s shadow is going the wrong way though.
Indeed it is. Oops. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let a mere shadow cost me a PRIZE, though!
MUCH better.
Well, I’m calling it here, and this one is the winner. If ever a cow was going to get in on the act, I feel that this is the picture it would choose.
Atlas scoops the pool again, despite valiant efforts from Queen Willy and great ripostes from Buccanears. Hmm. Now, what to do for the prize….
I’m calling for a plagarism check before the prize is delivered. Uncannily similar to this photo that has done the rounds of the interweb previously. Shennanigans!
Curiosity Cow should get it! Same winner, so why am I bleating?[img]–57763.jpg[/img]
Mind you, a search does turn up this:
I believe, however, that Atlas has the creativity not to have plagiarised. We go back a long way, and he knows I’d cut off his balls if he cheated in a Cow Comp.
Figuratively speaking, of course.
Rev, I swear on penalty of no more Missy Higgins albums that I’ve never seen that photo before.
I think the prize should still go to Sir Atlas. He has been noble in combat, got his shadows in the right direction and added historical accuracy to the camera obscura.
Well done sir.
Also, I completely believe that he didn’t steal the idea, and since I hadn’t seen it before either, it made me laugh.
As Gilbert Einstein said: ‘There is nothing in this heaven or earth, Horatio, that is original.’ Or something to that effect. I’m sure it was him wot said it, anyway.
Ah, Gilbert… May he rest in peace.