Tue 5 Feb 2013
Cinnamon: It’s Better With Peaches
Posted by anaglyph under Hokum, Idiots, Skeptical Thinking, SmashItWithAHammer, Stupidity, WooWoo
[15] Comments
Say what you will about the various social media, there is one thing at which they really excel: providing a brand new platform for the endless circulation of the kind of inane and poorly informed pop ‘wisdom’ that we love so much here on TCA. Just recently, for example, I’ve been sent the same exhortation about five times to sign an Avaaz petition against Bayer for being responsible (via their manufacture and marketing of insecticides called neonicotinoids) for bee Colony Collapse Disorder. Now, while I don’t particularly hold with the use of Bayer’s products, and don’t even particularly like Bayer as a company, this irks and frustrates me. What Avaaz is doing here is piggybacking an agenda on top of an emotionally-charged issue to give the impression that CCD is being caused by one simple mechanism, and that Bayer should be held responsible. As I’ve written before, it is far from being quite that simple. ((As we have seen time and time again here on TCA, human beings just lurve to fall for the most simplistic solutions to complex problems. Our brains shy away from complexity. We are not made to cope with it, and we deal with it badly.)) Unfortunately, very few people who get the link to the Avaaz petition will know much, if anything, about bee Colony Collapse Disorder, and not bother to take the trouble to research the Avaaz claims. And so the ‘OMG! The Bees Are Dying Sign the Petition’ suggestion will no doubt circulate for another few weeks, etching into people’s minds the notion that Evil Bayer is Killing Bees (supplanting the previously-etched notion in most of those same people’s minds that the culprit was mobile phones). ((What’s actually killing bees, my friends, is that voracious, deadly scourge of the planet Earth – human beings. Our demand for cheap honey (and for cheap fruit and flowers and grains and all the plants that the bees rely on to make that honey) is creating a population pressure on the bees that is just not something that they cope with well. We’ve made bees into something they are not, for our own purposes, and while that works to an extent, it is truly not surprising that it is not a sustainable prospect.)) ((One friend commented to me that surely the fact that Bayer was not necessarily responsible for CCD is irrelevant if they’re doing something environmentally irresponsible – an ‘end-justifies-the-means’ argument, if you will. That’s all well & good – maybe the petition will get one environmentally undesirable substance out of the way BUT the bees will still be dying. It deflects the view of the public away from addressing the actual problems, and so is, in my opinion, doing more harm than good.))
Anyhoo, that’s all really just a way of introducing the real subject of today’s post, which is another wonderful social media ‘advice’ epidemic which also concerns honey. Honey and cinnamon, in fact. It’s very lengthy, so I’m not copying it here, but you should really go have a look at it so you can witness the true scale of its stupidity (you can find it linked just about everywhere across the net, so ubiquitous has it become).
Synopsizing, it begins with a warning that ‘Drug companies won’t like this one getting around!’ and goes on to list ways in which the combination of honey and cinnamon will cure EVERYTHING. Well, I’m exaggerating, but not by much.
Here are just some of the troubles that you will no longer have if you imbibe and/or smear yourself liberally with honey and cinnamon:
•Heart Disease
•Arthritic pain
•Bladder infections
•Weight gain
•Stomach ailments
•Cancer (oh yes)
•Aging (!)
•Hearing loss.
I’m totally sure the drug companies would be mightily pissed off if there was even a grain of truth in any of it, but there ain’t so they happily continue with their business of converting their piles of cash into cocaine and snorting it off stripper’s tits. ((This is a colourful metaphor, intended to provide humour. It is not meant to imply that drug companies make huge swodges of profit at the expense of our health. Because we know that they are all doing it for the love of humankind.))
The long list of cures ends with the folksy signoff: ‘Remember when we were kids? We had toast with real butter and cinnamon sprinkled on it! Re-post!’
Because, you know, we never had any of those problems when we were kids, right? Except for the poor tykes with cancer who obviously didn’t eat their cinnamon toast.
The thing that really ticks me off is the completely undiscriminating way in which this stupid piece of internet diarrhoea is pooped all across the various social media platforms even by those who should know a LOT better. This is the internet, people. It should be the work of moments to find out the bona fides of this gob of banal hogwash.
And moments it takes. Less than thirty seconds of Searching™ turns up the original source of the Cinnamon and Honey gumpf:
That’s right, Space Cadets. The provenance of this piece of 21st Century wisdom is an article published in 1995 by that veritable shining bastion of scientific respectability, The Weekly World News. It’s travelled down almost two decades unscathed. What’s that you say? What other scientific discoveries has WWN delivered up? I’m so glad you asked.
I mean, for fuck’s sake. Who’s going to believe Dick Cheney is a robot? We all know perfectly well that he’s really a lizard! ((This QED really is SOOOO much better than I could ever have hoped for. I wish all rubbish of this kind was so easily slapped down.))
Could be worse, the cure-all may as well be Siberian Tiger’s Pizzle topped with ground Rhyno horn.
At least cinnamon and honey aren’t endangered…. riiiight, the whole “Bayer is responsible for bee death” thing. Canny opening, Rev.
Without bees no pollination, no cinnamon bark from cinnamon trees and definitely no honey.
There’s no getting around this sustainability thing is there?
You really got it. We can keep on a-plunderin’ but sooner or later everyone is going to have the the mind-blowing realization that they can no longer point the finger, and the problem is… US!
Gas is a trouble?
Depends on whether or not you’re a zeppelin, I guess.
Apparently honey and cinnamon both have mild antibiotic effects. Which feels weird to me since I mean honey, stuff should freaking THRIVE on it, it’s pure sugar, it should be like Agar Plus.
So, if you’ve nothing else available, not a bad thing to put on a cut. Or other parts of you that you want to remain hygenic.
However, there are potential social repercussions if you or your partner have a penchant for licking your cuts. Or other parts of you that you want to remain hygenic.
Oh, honey certainly can have some minor clinical uses but it’s nowhere near the panacea that the WWN would have us believe.
As for cinnamon…
Open the fucking canned peaches! (But do *not* put unauthorized cinnamon on the goddam meetin’ table.)
Can we have some honey with that Al?
The cover of WNN states that it can cure impotence. If one did have floppily doppily problems, would you dip it honey first and sprinkle cinnamon on it or the other way round?
I think it depends on whether you’re doing the dipping yourself, or whether you have one of Mr Bayer’s friends helping.
Not just minor uses Rev… the Brisbane burns unit has had some amazing results using honey in the treatment of burns… very interesting and useful – probably also has application in skin grafts. Not quite sure why or how yet. The blacks just north of here used honey from native bees for burns combined with with chewed ash from mulga wood.
My Indian wife woud make me up a concoction of chili, ginger, garlic and honey – an Ayuravedic linctus – which blew bronchitis out of the picture overnight. Massive sweatsand a noticable increase in core temperature. Simple but effective for thermophile bugs – a turbocharged fever.
No miracle cure but honey – various honeys – seem to have some properties worth a bit of careful science.
Indeed. While eager to participate in the mayhem created by overblown snake oil promos, combined with spurious blame of a single corporation for the demise of honey bees resulting in possible overuse of of said honey & cinnamon, thus yet again demonstrating sheer waste of over-consumption of anything, which brought us to this fine mess our environment is in…phew… I too must support the efficacy of raw honey – any cold pressed honey will do, although not all honeys are created equal.
I suffered from adult acne, tried everything and finally in my late 30’s tried out honey smeared directly on nasty boil – not only did it clear the zit with alacrity not bordering on the miraculous, the acker outbreak became less frequent and today I have the clear skin I dreamed of as a young woman.
But one doesn’t need to apply a lot, it does need to be unheated honey (funny how processing seems to negate the goodness of anything) and it appears to be only useful for topical applications, some of which may be fun, but please, everyone no need to over consume. I cleared my acne problem with what amounted to less than a tablespoon of the delicious dollop.
Don’t know anything regarding the health benefits (or not) of cinnamon, but would posit willow bark is where we first obtained aspirin.
Well, at the risk of getting into a pedantry competition (!) I certainly do acknowledge that honey has antibiotic uses, but those uses are still not in the league of the panacea promised by the chain advice (you really should go read it to see just how nutty it is). The greatest irony of all is that ‘Treating cuts & burns’ doesn’t even feature in the list. Mostly, the cures involve ‘have a teaspoon of honey with a sprinkling of cinnamon’ for everything. In fact, if you went through and did a cross-reference, you could possibly treat yourself for most serious human afflictions with a couple of teaspoons of honey and a pinch of cinnamon each day.
As for your wife’s concoction Peter, well… I think you might need to accept that garlic, ginger and chilli may have some small part to play…
That being said, we all know that honey can have a soothing effect on a sore throat, and that it tastes nice. It’s a wonderful substance. It’s simply that claims of it preventing and even curing cancer, ‘killing’ flu ‘germs’, warding off ‘old age’ and preventing hearing loss are baseless and ridiculous. The gumpf also offers the dangerous advice that honey is fine for diabetics to use, which it most certainly is not.
And I’m still waiting for any plausible defense of the cinnamon component.
Oh yes Rev the garlic in particular had a crowd clearing effect for days – which probably did a lot to reduce the risk of cross infection.
Worked a treat though.