Shoo!MAN Waves
From Cowopedia™, the free encyclopedia (a division of Tetherd Cow Ahead)

Shoo!MAN Waves are a three dimensional or trivector signature of non-EMF radiation. They are earth-friendly and support life. Using the science behind E=M3/4, Shoo!MAN Waves are not radio frequencies and have nothing to do with cell phones. One of the main features of Shoo!MAN Waves is their fractal geometry and polarized energy signature. They may or may not be harmful.

From Cowopedia™, the free encyclopedia (a division of Tetherd Cow Ahead)

A Kookaburra is a person who attempts to pass themselves off as someone they are not, without even the faintest clue of how to go about it. When a Kookaburra’s masquerade is rapidly exposed, he typically blames everyone else for his stupidity.


From Cowopedia™, the free encyclopedia (a division of Tetherd Cow Ahead)

When electromagnetic energy is dextropolarised it exactly equals bioenergy. Fastening dextropolarised objects to table-ware will have a devastating effect on Zecken.


From Cowopedia™, the free encyclopedia (a division of Tetherd Cow Ahead)

A spuman is a human who spends his/her time trawling around blogs and leaving personalized spam comments. Spumans are readily differentiated from bot spam by their (often amusing) attempts to be topic-relevant to the post at hand (rather than leaving the generic ‘Love your blog! Have bookmarked!!’ kind of comment favoured by bot crafters). As far as I’m aware, Tetherd Cow Ahead claims the first use of this term, and full credit must go to Acowlyte JR for coining it in the Comments on Turing Test.
